Dare2share Afrikaans


This is the physical box of cards

SKU: DARE2002 Categories: ,


The objective is to create a daily intimate sharing time (make a “date”) that will suit both partners where they can quietly sit (make a cup of coffee), draw a card and discuss the contents with each other. Couples can even place the box on the nightstand next to the bed or at a place where they can be private and regularly enjoy it! It is imperative that couples undertake to go through all the cards until the end!

The cards are in a specific sequence and the questions are progressively intense and more sensitive! It is therefore suggested that patience be displayed and the sequence be followed, in order not to jeopardise the series! Romantic suggestions and ideas in the form of “Dare” cards have been included in order to keep the game exciting and to enable couples to enjoy humour and have fun the way that we believe God intended it to be!

Your Time: Because our lives are so rushed, the first great challenge will be to make time to regularly enjoy the game until the end. This, according to us, is the greatest challenge that couples will be confronted with! Someone once said: “The greatest gift you can give your partner is of your time, because you are then actually giving of your life to your partner.”

Emotional Maturity: What is critical to remember? We go as far as to say “you just have one chance” to win and keep your partners trust and should you fail, it could take months or maybe longer to win it back. Thus be very sensitive as to how you react to the information given by your partner and what you do with it!

Make it enjoyable for each other: Be sensitive to your partner when they aren’t ready to discuss the “deeper issues”. It is advisable to leave the sharing time for that specific day and not to pressurise your partner as it then becomes work and the focus is on fun and “fun time” together! Women are generally always ready for deep, emotional discussions, so be careful not to jeopardise that by being insensitive or inconsiderate.